Come and visit us at 303 S. 5th Street #140 in Springfield, Oregon

Friday, October 16, 2015

Office Worker's Daily Stretches

News articles have now declared "sitting is the new smoking." While it is a sensationalist headline, sitting all day can leave the body tight and de-conditioned. Here are a few things those who work at a desk probably already know or can feel:

  1. The hip flexors get tight. These muscles are on the front of the pelvis and lift the leg. Because they are shortened in a seated position all day, they adapt to become shorter altering pelvis position and function.
  2. The shoulders roll forward. Arms out in front of the body at a keyboard will produce another adaptive shortening of the chest, and often this new position causes the upper traps to tighten.
  3. The head moves forward. This partly comes from the tight neck from point #2, but also from staring at a computer screen or leaning into read.
The best thing to do is engage in a corrective strength training program specifically designed to address these issues. And might I add, at Cascade Peak Performance we do a very good job of this. Even with such a program, during the workday one should do the following things:

Chest Stretch: this can be done sitting or standing. Get the spine tall. Spread your arms wide causing the shoulders blades to come together. Keep the palms facing forward.
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch: Keep posture tall. Squeeze the glute on the down leg to stretch the front of the hip and thigh.
Forward head position.
To stretch the neck muscles, make a double chin by pulling the chin into the neck. When done correctly a stretch can be felt at the base of the skull. Standing against a wall can help to learn the position.

Also, get up and move whenever able. Going for a walk on breaks and lunches can help counter the de-conditioning effects of not moving at work.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Our Favorite Conditioning Equipment

At Cascade Peak Performance we are big fans of movement, specifically people up on their feet doing exercises which burn plenty of energy and have benefits to real world activities. While we do have a few cardio machines, most conditioning work will be done out on the turf. Here are some of our favorite toys in the gym.

Sleds: Pushing or pulling sled work can be done with heavy loads or shorter and faster with moderate weights. We love them because when pushing against a load the whole body has to brace to apply force to the ground.

Battle Ropes: This is a low skill/high effort activity which can be used by virtually anyone to work hard day one in the gym. Many exercises take practice for full effort to be safe. Ropes are just shaken violently til the round is over.
Heavy Medicine Balls: These are wonderful for developing whole body coordination and athleticism. To throw a ball farther/harder the entire body must work together, and the quicker and smoother this happens the bigger the throw.
Straps: These get thrown into nearly every conditioning circuit at Cascade Peak Performance. There are many great exercises to do with the straps, but the best part about them for conditioning circuits is how easy it is to change intensity. Just step in or out to adjust. The more vertical posture is, the less pressure there is on the hands making the exercise easier.
Kettle Bells and Dumbbells: Can't leave these out, very good tools for loading almost all lifts used in conditioning circuits.
Barbells: You are only wondering why this is here if you haven't had the pleasure of doing a barbell complex.

Bonus Toys: The tractor tires and sledge hammers have a brought smiles to many people after a day at work.

Also sandbags and water filled implements are great for carries (literally picking something up and moving it across the gym) because they are "live" objects. The sand or water moves, changing the center of gravity.

Stop by the gym and try them out!

Friday, October 2, 2015

October Update

Ribbon Cutting with the Springfield Chamber of Commerce
Last month we had the ribbon cutting for our new location. Thank you to the Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Mayor Lundberg for coming down to help us with the ceremony. See the pictures HERE

Next Thursday the 8th we will be hosting Fat Loss Fundamentals. This free talk will cover exercise, nutrition, and mindset of effective fat loss programming. Bring your questions and a friend. Find out more HERE

Tomorrow Saturday the 3rd, Cascade Peak Performance coaches will be doing our burpees from last month's check-in challenge. Chris will be at 9am, Alex at 10am, and Karan batting cleanup at 11am.

October 12th - 17th is Bring a Friend Week. As a Cascade Peak Performance member you are welcome to bring a friend to any of your workouts at no cost- we just want to share what we do with more people.