- The hip flexors get tight. These muscles are on the front of the pelvis and lift the leg. Because they are shortened in a seated position all day, they adapt to become shorter altering pelvis position and function.
- The shoulders roll forward. Arms out in front of the body at a keyboard will produce another adaptive shortening of the chest, and often this new position causes the upper traps to tighten.
- The head moves forward. This partly comes from the tight neck from point #2, but also from staring at a computer screen or leaning into read.
Chest Stretch: this can be done sitting or standing. Get the spine tall. Spread your arms wide causing the shoulders blades to come together. Keep the palms facing forward.
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch: Keep posture tall. Squeeze the glute on the down leg to stretch the front of the hip and thigh.
Forward head position.
To stretch the neck muscles, make a double chin by pulling the chin into the neck. When done correctly a stretch can be felt at the base of the skull. Standing against a wall can help to learn the position.
Also, get up and move whenever able. Going for a walk on breaks and lunches can help counter the de-conditioning effects of not moving at work.