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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Burn More Fat While Working Out

Add one or more of these to increase the intesity of your training, burning more energy and speeding up your results.

1.      Pair exercises together. Instead of doing one exercise, then moving to the next, use the rest breaks of the first lift to do a second exercise for an unrelated body part. Getting more work done in less time will burn more energy.

2.      Add more resistance. If the weight that is being used for a given exercise is not increasing over time, it will not provide the same stimulus that it once did. Only when the exercise is tough enough to force the body to adapt will the exercise burn the maximum amount of calories.

3.      Reduce rest breaks. If rest breaks have always been two minutes between sets, cut 30 seconds. Not only does this make the workout harder, more total work can be done in the same amount of time.

4.     Lift before cardio. Getting tired from conditioning will negatively affect the performance of lifting. The bigger lifts that produce a bigger effect on the body often require good technique to be done safely. When tired not only will less weight be used, it is less likely to be done correctly.
5.   Move Faster. Add sprinting, jumping, or throwing. These exercises use the biggest muscle fibers. Because of their size, these fibers can burn a tremendous amount of energy. These fast movements should be done after a good warm-up, but before any lifting for maximum effect.

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