Come and visit us at 303 S. 5th Street #140 in Springfield, Oregon

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving Hours

We will have regular hours this week, except for Thursday. Which will be from 9am to noon. Have a happy and safe holiday!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

November Update

Core/Torso/Ab Training Workshop - Thursday, November 12th at 5:30pm. This free 30min workshop will cover core training beyond crunches. This will be hands on, so come ready to workout. Bring questions and friends.

Lift Off is Back! This is the event where we get the members together and test progress on a the main barbell lifts. Talk with your coach if you are interested. See you Saturday, November 21st at 11am!

Here are some of the burppes from the check-in challange:

Holiday food tip:
If you can't get away from the junk, use smaller plates/bowls/glasses. It will help with portion control. A small plate will have the appearance of a full serving, vs a large plate with the same size serving looking mostly empty MORE INFO

In the gym challenges are back. In the old gym we had a few sled challenges. Next week the challenge will be doing a bear crawl the length of the gym.