It's finally here! It may have taken longer than originally planned, but work is finishing up, and soon the equipment will be over there. Here is what you need to know about the new location.
This is how we found it in September |
Where is it?
303 S. 5th Street #140, this is in the Booth Kelly Center over the railroad tracks from
the bus station.
What is different?
Size, it is nearly 4 times the size of the original gym. This will allow for many group training options we are unable to offer. More restrooms with showers and a drinking fountain. We are also bringing in new equipment to improve your workout experience.
Will my membership change?
Nope, you will be able to keep what you currently have. There will be new membership options (group training) for new members.
Will the hours be the same?
Yes, but expect us to expand hours in the future.
When will FitCamp be offered?
Tuesday at 5:30pm, Saturday at 9am to start. A Thursday evening and early morning options will be added next.
What about the other classes?
We are working to put that schedule together. Expect mid morning options for Yoga and Fundamentals, and an after work time for each.